Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Catching Up

Hi all I know I have not written very much but I have been very busy trying to get the mill up and going and I have one customers wool in house right now and am almost done with it she is going to need it for the fiber arts show is Scottsbluff in Nebraska on September 17 & 18. So I am trying to do a really good job on her wool in hopes for more potential customers from her classes she is giving those 2 days So wish me luck that i get more business from this show so I can quit my job at the gas station and work on this full time.

The rest of the farm is humming right along and we had our second year of shearing of our sheep and had 24 head shorn about 3 weeks ago. I saved back about 4 fleeces I thought was the best and sent the rest with the shearer so he can send it on the Mid-State Wool Company for our wool payment I know it won't be much but it is better than nothing. One of the fleeces I held back the this year is a black off of our first years lambs from our ram that is a Corriedale. His first year with us he gave us one black ewe lamb which was born in 2008. So this winter it will make her 2 years old and we will breed her this fall and hope we can get another colored lamb in the spring of next year.

Our Cow Bessy gave birth also this summer to another deformed calf so off to the sale barn with her so we can but 2 cows that will produce normal calves. We have had a very hard winter this last year and not a much better spring or summer. We also have lost 2 very dear family members this year as well as a very close call for 2 other members of our extended family were is a car accident just 2 weeks ago! so you see I really rather not repeat this year as far as I am concerned. I just hope the rest of this one goes a lot smoother that it has started out. All I can say is just hold on to your socks and start wading in and when it gets to deep start swimming and keep that head up as high as you can!!

It is hard it believe that Fall is around the corner and cooler weather is coming which I rather prefer than this hot and humid stuff that we have been having this Summer. My ideal weather is cool and not humid temperature range around 60 to 80 degrees all day this 90 plus degree stuff is for the birds. all you can do is just sit and sweat. So you see I am really looking to Fall. I hope all of you are doing well and wish you luck with the rest of this year and for those of you having a rough time so far just hang in there!!! Talk to you later off to do the next job;)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Need More of Me

Well I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything. But I have been so busy I need more of me to try to get all the things done I need to get done. I finally finished lambing in May we had a few late bloomers give us a few surprises and we have decided that we like lambing in late winter and early spring then in the middle of winter we have a better survival rate. Also I don't end up with any bottle lambs which is nice since I have to wear so many hats these days. I get a little confusing to remember what hat I should be wearing and when. Well I finally got my mill set up in an old house we have since I had not much luck in renting it I put my mill in there and it seems to be coming to gather rather nicely. I also have our first customer and if she like what I do she will refer other people my way. I also going to be interviewed by Nebraska Sheep and Goat Producer about our mill and who it works I am rather excited about that too. I hope it will bring in some more customer for us too. Well that is a brief update of how things are going. Have to go and check dinner it smell like it is done or burnt! lol

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hi everyone it has been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been kind of stretched thin for the past 4 months due to work and the farm, holidays and my father got rather sick and ended up in the hospital for a month. Also on top of all this I started lambing in December and here it is march and I am still lambing!! What a busy time of year for the people that raise sheep. I did something rather insane this last weekend, I was down to 5 ewes left to deliver and I bought 12 more ewes and another ram,so now I am back up to 17 ewes to deliver in a month or so. I also have had my 2 rams in with my yearling ewes for the last month and that mean hopefully I will some more lambs this summer around June or July. So I am up to 52 breeding ewes and 3 rams I have increased my flock a lot in the last year. I will be keeping most of the lambs this year too they have been mostly ewe lambs not very many ram lambs this year. Last year it was the other way around, we had more male and not many female. I think it we have more females because of the type of winter we are having. I know it is the cause for the multiple births we have had. just about every ewe has twined, we even had 3 sets of triplets and 1 quadruplets. Let me tell you that was a great surprise to go out to the barn and find 4 little one at a ewes side all wanting to eat and she only has 2 teats to feed these babies. So that is how my last 4 months have been I hope you all find yourself well and things are going good for all.