Saturday, December 26, 2009


Yes that's right we had a Blizzard started on the 24 of December and ended today the 26 of December we have snow drifts that are taller then the dually pickup. It was a lot of fun trying to feed the animals yesterday in the blizzard! we did lose some animals due to the cold wind, it was 2 alpacas but they were rather old so I'm not to surprised we had struggled to keep their weight up since we got them. the lambing season is going well despite the ugly weather. We had the move the bum lambs from the house to the garage due to one lamb named Pig she was always the noisiest one out of them all if you make the slightest noise or walk or any movement at all she would start in crying and would not stop for hours. So hubby had enough of her belle-ring and moved them to the garage on Christmas night. Its funny though my Dad and son and I had to listen to them for a week and half and hubby had all he could handle after 3 days. So he finanally got their box made and they slept in the barn again on Sunday night. It is nice to have my living room back as a living room and not a makeshift nursery. I think I am a holding point in lambing until February when we will start back in which is fine for me now I have my hands full with these guys and tyring to finish the barn and get it ready for the rest of the lambs to come and also do all the daily house chores as well! Ha! Ha! and on top of this I came down with one of the many types of flue's that is floating around this winter. Boy I tell you I sure felt ugly the first day which was yesterday (Sunday) and today I just feel like a mac truck ran me over and decided it was not done with me so it shifted in to reverse and plowed over me again. It's such a wonderful feeling!!! (NOT!) Well I have to go do chores and make some tamales for New Year Eve Dinner.

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