Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Making Cheese

Well today I have a day off from my job. I work outside the home as well as on the farm. This last weekend we had some people show up at our farm and bought one of our fat lambs for eating. Then my husband told them that I make Que so Fresco (fresh cheese). And they placed an order for 2 - 4 inch wheels. So today I made cheese from the milk from our cow, Bessy. She is really cute and she loves to give you kisses with her really big tongue. My husband and our 16 year old son milk her twice a day and we yield about 4 gallons a day from her. It is too much for us to drink so my father and I thought we could make cheese with the milk that we or the bucket calves don't use. Dad bought a starter cheese making kit. Then my husband got excited about the idea and he showed me how to make the fresh cheese. So now I am working on my technique on making a better cheese. Well it is about time for us to milk Bessy and finish the rest of the chores for the day, get dinner and then maybe have time to watch a little TV.